Official Art by Mattsuran
by ThePurpleFandom
by Hibiya (@Tweek_Twix)
Official Art by Mattsuran

Gender: Male (He/Him)
Age: 18
Height: 1.77 m (5' 10")
Weight: 65 kg (143.3 lbs)
Nationality: Chilean (🇨🇱)
Birthday: November 12th
Rafael is a courteous and yet aloof young man. Most people's first impression of him is that he has a cool personality and is quite reliable. He always keeps people at an arm's length away, however, he's also caring and trustworthy once you get closer to him.
He's an android, so his understanding of human emotions is a bit limited. Really stubborn and cynical, he loves using sarcasm and sometimes curses like a sailor. Will help you with anything if you ask politely enough.
More info
Name Pronunciation: らふぁえる・つきや
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Species: Android
Pronouns: 自分/jibun (JP, 1° person) | He/They (EN, 2° person)
Ethnicity: White/Hispanic
Blood Type: ---
Likes: Tea, reading, trivia games, bunnies, baking
Dislikes: Animals, the sea, thunderstorms, coffee, elevators
Favorite Producers: niki, Yunosuke, Pinocchio-P, Ayase, wowaka
Favorite Food: Zucchini lasagna
Favorite Animal: Bunnies
Latest Upload
ウルトラロケット (Ultra Rocket)
Song by niki
Cover by Mattsuran
UST by Mattsuran